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Quiz No - 011 (110 - 143)

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_110
Guess this company in which maximum stake upto 45% was owned recently by Marico?

Ans: Beardo

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_111
The meaning for the translated language is
"The place where Tamatea, the man with the big knees who slid, climbed and swallowed moutains known as landeater played his flute to his loved ones"
What are we talking about?

Ans: Town with longest name in the world

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_112
The dispute regarding the taxi drivers of Uber and Ola at Delhi. Has came to an end after deciding to ____________________ to take on Uber and Ola maket ?

Ans: Sewa Cab

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_113
Guess this logo and what is the parental company(A bit easy)?

Ans: Sparrow and Alphabet.

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_114
The FAMILY LINK  is the feature given by which company?
what is the use of it?

Ans: Company is google used to start a new google account for someone in the family and parental controls can be used.

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_115
This is the first company which has introduced an URL with emoji included in it. At "Puerto Rico" a Caribbean island and unincorporated US territory. The web address is (www.😊.ws)

Ans: Coca-Cola

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_117
There is a airline which has launched a service under this name as Tomorrow Land. Where actually the passengers can enjoy alot having DJ and other entertainment services in the mid air unlike other flights. This airline service is a part of which Airline?

Ans: Brussels Air

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_118
In India, where was the first ever para training centre launched which is dedicated to para athletes ?

Ans: Gandhinagar

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_119
The company X was founded by Nokia later acquired by EQT investments now it is acquired by a Turkish company what is it?

Ans: Vertu, Hakan Uzan

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_120
Square, King, Queen, standard are different sizes of what?

Ans: Pillows

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_121
Guess what's happening over here?

Ans: Metro Goldwyn Mayer lion's roar and video is recorded by these people.

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_122
Guess this device which is completely unique from the world of Coca-Cola?

Ans: It is the selfie bottle as it clicks a selfie when it is tilted at 70° angle.

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_123
Here there is a wink face appearing on the Google tabs. When does it actually appears?

Ans: It appears at 100th incognito tab. And even if we open more than 100 tabs it would appear the same without displaying the number of tab.

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_124
It was first introduced by "The state mutual life assurance company" which has paid a person who is a graphic designer named Harvey Ball for creating it. He worked for just 10 minutes and was paid $45 for this creation. But unfortunately neither the company nor the person patented it. But now it is used by each and every one at one or other purpose all over the world. What is "it" we are talking about?

Ans: The smiley

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_135
For this upcoming Hollywood movie the costumes of the female lead were designed in India. What is the movie?

Ans: Beauty and the Beast

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_126
What are these? And by which company?

Ans: Ceat tyres campaign called "drive safe dad". Here the toys are made which looks like the children and record the voice of children saying that to go slow for their dad. And it is gifted to father's as this is connected to speedometer if dad exceed the sppedlimit this toy would instruct him to go slow with the recorded voice

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_127
Which mobile company brought a pay option in itself from now by saving your debit and credit cards in it?

Ans: S-pay by Samsung

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_128
This wellknown person has droped 200 places in forbes 500 billionaire list 2017?
who is that person?

Ans: Donald Trump

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_129
Guess this logo which is a data mining company chaired by advisor of Donald J. Trump Peter_thiel.

Ans: Palantir technologies

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_130
Google's New algorithm named "Guetzli". What does it actually helps in __________.

Ans: It compresses the JPEG files by 35%.

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_131
Guess what is this?
Ans: Laika's space suit

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_132
Guess this logo ?

Ans: Indu Group

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_133
Guess this image which is the original pic by a photographer later it is used as something through which it became one of the most familiar pic.

Ans: Bliss theme (Windows XP default wallpaper)

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_134
There are many sayings about these some of them say that they were in a collection of items at Pune, Others say that they were scattered among the Arabian sea, few others say they were at a museum. Finally no one know how many are there actually! Because no one was aware of what actually happened to them. What are we taking about?

Ans: Gandhiji ashes.

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_135
Actually this passion was started by Egyptians to discourage the spread of diseases and later Romans used to use pumice stones to do this. Later finally in 1915 when a fashion magazine has advertised about this. This became popularized in modern culture. What are we talking about?

Ans: Hair removal

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_136
This is the gun which is going to be displayed at the border security force (BSF) museum. What is the significance of this gun?
Ans: Bhagat Singh's pistol

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_137 #No_Google
Mr. N. Chandrababu (CM) has launched an ambulance service in Andhra Pradesh named as "Chandranna Sanchara Chikitsa". With which foundation has he partnered with to launch this service?

Ans: Piramal Foundation

#Quizbrainz17 #question138
guess the logo?
Ans: Northstar entertainments.

#Quizbrainz17 #question139
These are the pocket smart watches from which company with the model name?
Ans: Samsung

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_140
These are the pants launched by which company and for what?

Ans: Cheetos, For ease of cleaning hands on the pant after eating.

#Quizbrainz17 #Question_141
Guess this logo?
Ans: Dassler

#Quizbrainz17 #question142
This company acquired by one leading telecom company.
what was this company?
And who was acquired that?
Ans: Airtel acquired tikona

#Quizbrainz17 #question143
This is the mobile back case launched by which company and what is the speciality in this?

Ans: Louis Vuitton, crocodile leather

For more details follow Quizbrainz fb page.


  1. A very good and informative article indeed. It helps me a lot to enhance my knowledge, I really like this..

    1. Thank you very much for your feedback Shanaya. 😊


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